Forensics seen ‘digging up graves’ as Wiltshire Police dispel village rumours

Specialist forensics have started work in a village graveyard after Wiltshire Police announced it was launching an “archaeological investigation”.

A crime scene cordon was put up around 15 graves at St Andrew’s Church in Collingbourne Ducis, north of Tidworth, early yesterday morning, Monday 17 October.

24 hours in, four police officers were seen standing guard over the cordon as three crime scene investigators and a CID detective worked directly in front of the church’s main doors.


Fresh soil could be seen thrown on a tarpaulin over two graves next to one of the forensic tents – a clear sign that a dig at the site is getting underway.

Naturally, rumours have begun floating around the village.

One local told Wiltshire 999s that he believed the investigation may relate to Kenneth Wells, a man recently convicted of the 1980 rape of late Collingbourne Ducis resident Violet Brown.

It was suggested he may have an even more sinister past but Wiltshire Police were quick to dispel the rumour, confirming that the case is not linked.

Another concerned local, who was walking his dog in the area, said: “It’s worrying but police say there’s nothing to worry about.

“It’s hard not to be concerned when they’re digging up the graveyard just round from my house.

“My mum is buried there but her grave is just outside the cordon, so I don’t have to worry too much. Still, it can’t be a nice experience for others.

“You can see soil thrown across graves. It must be upsetting for those with relatives there, especially if they can’t visit them for however long – weeks maybe.”

No details about the operation were released by the force, who appear to be keeping any information about the probe under wraps for now.

In a statement, Wiltshire Police said: “This work relates to an archaelogical investigation of a site conducted at the request of Wiltshire Police.

“Relatives of those whose graves are nearby have been informed.

“This should not cause any disruption to the public, with the route remaining open for pedestrians.”

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