Coked-up domestic abuser who attacked ex-girlfriend in front of children sentenced

A domestic abuser who attacked his ex in front of her children has avoided a prison sentence.

Coked-up Nathan Grace, 37, admitted the assault at Swindon Magistrates’ Court on 10 March, but the bench ordered a pre-sentence report and the case was adjourned.

Returning to court on Thursday (14 April), the defendant was handed a two-year community order and was told to undertake the Building Better Relationships Programme.


At a previous hearing, prosecutor Keith Ballinger told of how Grace, of Padstow Road, Swindon, “became aggressive” when he was told to leave his ex-partner’s home.

During an attack that followed, and was witnessed by the children, he told his victim to “f**k off” before shoving her multiple times. There were also claims he slapped her, though these were denied.

As he left the property immediately after the assault on New Year’s Day, he said: “Watch out now, I’m gonna be a f**king nasty c**t to you all”.

The court heard that Grace had been looking after his teenage step-daughter – who refers to him as her dad – and his nine-year-old son whilst the victim went out with her friends. He instead invited friends over before drinking and taking cocaine.

As well as a community order, magistrates told the defendant to pay a £300 fine, £85 costs and a £95 surcharge. No restraining order was imposed.

MORE ON THIS: Man assaulted ex-girlfriend whilst children present after cocaine-fuelled boozy night

Please reach out if you are in an abusive relationship. There are people who can help you – don’t suffer alone. Find a list of local and national organisations supporting male and female survivors on our Domestic Violence Helplines page. In an emergency, always call 999.

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